Category: 2022

Day 2: Santa and the Rakupod Wranglers

Santa's world was increasingly going high-tech, and his IT department was polishing off its new process that could take the millions of letters received from boys and girls around the world, scan them into digital form with state-of-the-art optical character recognition hardware, and produce outputs that could greatly streamline the Santa Corporation's production for Christmas delivery. One problem had initially stymied them, but consultants from the Raku community came to their aid.

Day 1: SparrowCI pipelines for everything

New year is a fun time when the whole family gets together by a table and eat holiday dinner. Let me introduce some fun and young member of a Raku family - a guy named SparrowCI - super flexible and fun to use CI service. To find SparrowCI lad - go to web site and get your login using GitHub credentials: Pipelines of fun SparrowCI provides you with some DSL to built a CI for your Raku modules.


Welcome to the 14th edition of this Advent Calendar, which started at the old site, and continues in this new one. According to the Wikipedia, 14 years marks the ivory anniversary. If you really want to nitpick, it’s the 13th anniversary since it started in 2009, making it the lace anniversary. I’ll go for that. Lace adds nice touches to fabric, and it semi-transparent, making it a go-to choice for occasions, and also, why not, for your daily life; lace doilies are used for dinner tables, or over furniture.